On the Thursday morning of September 29, 2022, Hurricane Ian made its way over to the state of Florida and slammed it with a powerful storm. Many of us are experiencing the devastation that this storm brought upon us. Unfortunately, there are residents who are trapped in their homes and are experiencing the devastation of flooding.
As we go through the stages of hurricane recovery as a community, it is essential to keep several essential repairs in mind. As air conditioning technicians who have served the residents of Florida for many years, Air Pros compiled a quick list of the possible repairs your home may need at this time. Read on to see if these repairs are required for your air conditioning unit.
Hurricane Recovery Repairs
The strong winds produced by Hurricane Ian have produced great disasters across the tropical Florida state. The strength of this storm is actually very life-threatening for many individuals in its way. Many people are experiencing power outages, floods, fallen trees, and extensive damage to their properties. With these damages, it can be very overwhelming to understand where to begin the recovery process.
Possible AC Repairs After a Hurricane Storm
If you notice any of the following damages in your AC unit, do not hesitate to give Air Pros a call. We are available 24/7 to support you in the hurricane recovery process.
Physical Damage to Condenser Unit
As you make your way around the property, you may notice physical damage to the condenser unit of the air conditioning system. Because the winds of Hurricane Ian are so strong, it is quite possible to see the unit covered in dirt, debris, and even flooded with water. The inside of the unit may have sustained some damage as well. The strong winds may have knocked the condenser coils and electrical wiring out of place.
You may also find that the outdoor unit of your AC is displaced from its original location. Following a storm, it may be dangerous to attempt these repairs on your own, so you should seek the assistance of a professional AC repair technician.
Are you in need of a new AC installation after Hurricane Ian? Check out our Financing Options to make those costs feasible for your budget.
AC Unit Not Turning On
The air after a hurricane storm is typically very muggy and humid. This requires the work of a fully functioning AC that will provide you relief from the humidity. However, do not be surprised if you find that your AC is not turning on after the devastation of Hurricane Ian.
There may be a few reasons why the AC is not turning on after the hurricane. Many residents across the state have been experiencing power outages since the beginning of the storm. It may be a little while before the power is restored and your appliances can operate again.
Additionally, if your AC sustained any damage to its outdoor or indoor parts, it will not be able to turn back on. Sometimes, when the power turns back on, the electrical current may become too heavy for the AC to handle it. That may cause a power surge in the electrical wiring connected to the AC unit. This will all require AC repairs in the hurricane recovery period.
Burning Odor Coming From the Unit
If you had the chance to turn on your AC after Hurricane Ian, you may have picked up a burning odor coming from the unit. If that is the case, turn off the AC as soon as possible. The burning is an after effect of the strong winds displacing certain parts within the unit and causing them to malfunction.
If your home is not equipped with a whole house surge protector, there might be a possibility that your home experienced a power surge after the power has returned to the home. This will inevitably cause damage to many major appliances, including the AC unit. Do not hesitate to give Air Pros a call for assistance in investigating the burning odor and your unit.
Sometimes, the burning odor is caused by a malfunctioning HVAC blower. Check out our blog to see if you need a new HVAC blower.
Schedule Your AC Maintenance as Part of Hurricane Preparedness
Whether you are recovering from Hurricane Ian or trying to prepare for future storms, we invite you to schedule your AC maintenance visit with Air Pros today. As part of the recovery process, it is essential to have your air conditioning unit checked for possible defects and damages that occurred.
Our skilled and seasoned technicians are ready to assist you with any repairs that your unit requires. They are also able to help you ensure that you are prepared for the next hurricane storm this fall season. As always, we are available 24/7 for any urgent repairs. Give us a call at 877-561-9730.