Why 2010 Is Such A Tricky Year For Your Air Conditioning System

About That Hole In The Ozone

“In 1987 The United States helped finalize the Montreal Protocol with the grand ambition of phasing out ozone-depleting substances including “Freon” a commonly used refrigerant in your central AC. Today, most air conditioning systems use a newer more environmental-friendlier version called R-410A.”

– Air Pros, Air Conditioning Services

When Did You Install Your Air Conditioning Unit?

However, if you purchased a central AC system prior to 2010 there is a strong likelihood your unit still uses Freon, the refrigerant responsible for the increased prevalence of skin cancer and cataracts, reduced agricultural productivity, and disruption of marine ecosystems.  But it also carries a financial and operational burden since R-22 is no longer manufactured and is virtually impossible to find these days. Recharging your unit with this scarce, outlawed version could cost homeowners several hundred dollars. 

Does Your AC Unit Leak Refrigerant and Cash?

This double whammy also leads to another concern: the fact that your unit needs more Freon suggests you have a leak.   Adding more Freon is a symptomatic fix which is unlikely to contain higher energy bills and several costly AC repair visits by HVAC technicians.

When this situation above arises, homeowners often enter a endless spiral of damage control with their unit which no longer blows cool air.    These inefficiencies continue until there is only one viable option: replacement.

Be Careful Of Dangerous Alternatives & HVAC Operators

Many intrepid homeowners refuse to accept this situation and reach out to nefarious HVAC contractors who may suggest it’s possible to retrofit the unit and continue using the old refrigerants.  

Worse, they mix Freon with alternatives which creates a dangerous cooling cocktail in your home which is simply not worth the risk.  Further, this approach voids your manufacturer warranty and puts you in a position where you are constantly pulling out hard-earned dollars (and time) to keep a shaky unit operational.

While the thought of replacing a new unit gives most homeowners in South & Central Florida a sinking feeling, there are several mechanisms in place to soften the blow.  Start the process by answering a short quiz which audits your current home environment including the age of the unit.  

Do I Really Need A New Air Conditioning System?

As of April 23

The quiz includes 8 quick questions helps our senior ac technicians establish whether you actually need a unit and whether a replacement could reduce your annual energy bills. It should not take you more than a minute to complete and will put you in pole position to tackle the issue head on.

– Air Pros

Have You Considered A Summer AC Tune Up?

Another suggestion would be to take advantage of  Summer AC Tune Specials which help keep already-running air conditioning systems in peak condition. Please note this tune up is not meant to FIX a broken AC.  It’s a simple a calibrated process to tune the AC system to ensure a longer operating life.  

The technician will also examine your cooling system and advise whether you are using Freon or the new R-410A sanctioned by the Montreal Protocol.

Explore AC Financing Options

Further, if after filling out the AC replacement quiz it’s determined that your unit does need to be upgraded (e.g. Rheem, Trane, Ameristar) then there is further financial help available, including a robust AC financing program featuring attractive fixed interest rates.

Importantly, homeowners can benefit from the 0% cash down financing which goes a long way to making this a tolerable and pain-free experience. 

 In most cases, there is no prepayment penalty and homeowners find out almost immediately whether they qualify.  Other useful aspects of the program include a 10-year manufacturer warranty and worry-free 1-year parts & labor warranty on any new central ac installation.  

Variations of this program includes no interest if paid in full within 12 months. You will find these options listed on our AC financing program page. One additional attractive feature of the program is the ability to also finance repairs although this should never be used for aging units that have serious leaks or ultimately need to be replaced. As described earlier, there are environmental, regulatory and financial risks in any attempting to keep Freon-centric ac units running.


Again, it is worth reminding homeowners that installing a new AC unit also means higher energy efficiencies that can shave up to 20% off annual utility bills.   They are more adept at cooling multi-room family homes and will keep you cool for up to two decades.

As we enter the hot summer months, the higher temperatures will really test the robustness of older units and expose any leaks or weak spots in the air handlers or outside condensing units.  

We suggest you get ahead of the Montreal Accord today by filling out the quiz to get a handle of where you stand with your home’s heating and cooling system.  We hope you found this information helpful – feel free to reach out to us if you need any further information.

As of April 23


Limited Time Offer!

$25 Service Call
($119 value)

Fee waived with any AC Repair.

Financing Available


New Air Conditioners Only

System Tune-up


(Avoid Breakdowns)

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Financing Options Available


Financing for 12 months

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