Noises from Your Central AC and What They Mean

One of the benefits of having a professional take care of your AC install in Weston, FL, is that you are often rewarded with a much quieter system. After all, it’s easy to see why unusual noises coming from your central air conditioning system can be instantly noticeable.

Reach out to Air Pros to provide the necessary AC repair if you’re regularly hearing odd sounds emanating from your central air conditioning. Let us focus on common central air conditioning noises and what they mean.

Banging and Clanging

The former is usually a sign you need AC repair to fix a part that has broken or become loose. Our Air Pros technicians can also check your indoor blower when you hear banging noises to see if it’s unbalanced. Compressor replacement may also be necessary.

Clanging, for its part, can also be due to imbalances or loose parts or connections that may eventually require an AC repair in Weston, FL. Other possibilities with clanging sounds include:

  • A loose compressor
  • Out of balance indoor/outdoor blower fan blades
  • Failing parts inside the unit

Clicking and Buzzing

It’s normal to hear clicking when your central air conditioning system starts or shuts down, but ongoing clicking during operation is not normal. This could mean you have issues with your thermostat or a defective control. Electrical parts within your system could also be the culprit.

You can reduce your odds of needing a new AC install in Weston, FL, by also paying attention to buzzing sounds that could be associated with loose parts, failing motor fans, loose/unbalanced fan blades, friction from copper lines, dirty condenser coils, a blower that’s going bad or out of balance, and freezing related to refrigerant leaks. In some cases, an air filter may simply need to be changed. Buzzing could also occur if there’s debris in your outdoor or indoor unit.

Squealing and Humming

Squealing can be a sound that an indoor blower motor or outdoor fan is going bad if this sound isn’t normally associated with your unit’s start-up process. Consult our experts here at Air Pros about humming sounds. Normally, the issues may be traced to refrigerant piping or loose parts. Motor or electrical problems could also be the cause of these mild yet annoying noises.


It may be time to consider a new AC install if we determine that the rattling sounds are related to system deterioration, causing a few parts to become loose. It’s also possible for debris in your system to be the source of rattling noises, which is why it’s best to have our trained technicians diagnose the system. Cleaning condenser coils and changing your indoor filter may also eliminate unusual noises.

High-Pitched Whistling

When your central air conditioning is making this sound, it could be related to refrigerant leaks or high internal compressor pressure. Fortunately, many newer units have sensors that will turn the air conditioner off if there are signs of pressure changes detected. Should this happen, leave your unit off and call us here at Air Pros to find out what’s going on.

Contact Our Team Today

Simply hearing noises coming from your central air conditioning system doesn’t mean it’s time for a full-on replacement, but it pays to schedule professional air conditioning services, such as AC repair in Weston, FL. Rest assured that the Air Pros team can address whatever is affecting your central AC system. Consult our experts today to learn more or to schedule your appointment for any of our services.


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