Maximizing the benefits of your new AC install, is simpler, as all it will take are some indoor plants. Air Pros is well-versed with indoor air quality and the many things air conditioners do. This is what brings us to the topic of how indoor plants can complement your air conditioning system and improve your home’s indoor air quality to boot.
Houseplants Naturally Lower Humidity
One situation you will need AC repair is once you notice that your cooling system is no longer removing excess humidity from your indoor spaces well enough. However, houseplants are natural dehumidifiers, so they can take some of the burden off your air conditioner when it comes to lowering your home’s humidity. Some of the indoor plants that achieve this goal really well include:
- Peace lilies
- Palms
- Boston ferns
- Spider plants
- Orchids
They Help Remove Airborne Toxins
Along with naturally lowering humidity, indoor plants also complement your air conditioning system by removing some toxic elements from the air you and your family breathe. In fact, NASA studies done in the 1980s found houseplants naturally filter out volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as trichloroethylene and benzene. The extra helping hand with air filtration can make it easier for your system to filter out other impurities. Gerber daisies, chrysanthemums, and aloe vera plants are among the indoor plants with notable air filtration capabilities.
Plants Lower Indoor Temps
Another common reason for AC repair, is an overworked cooling system. A NASA Earth Science Study showed evidence that plants, through the natural process of photosynthesis, play a role in lowering temperature. A group of UK researchers took these findings and put together a guide that included a list of houseplants with some very impressive natural temperature-lowering abilities. Some of the plants on the list include:
- Ficus plants that include ficus benjamina and ficus elastica – also known as “the rubber plant”
- Aglaonema, also known as the Chinese Evergreen
- Dracaena trifasciata, also referred to as “mother-in-law’s tongue” – also known to be able to remove toxins from the air as well
How Many Plants Do You Need to Perfectly Complement Your AC?
As for how many plants are needed inside your home to help your cooling system perform better, NASA has some recommendations based on the findings of the studies referenced above. The agency’s research suggests that in an 1800 sq. ft. home, somewhere between 15 and 18 houseplants that are about eight inches in diameter should do the trick. It is equally important to make sure your plants are spaced out and that they have access to natural light and water.
Our Team Is Here to Help
Plants can serve as a great complement to your cooling system in many ways. At the same time, it is just as important to turn to Air Pros if it may be time for a new AC install or if you are noticing any problems with your air conditioner that require expert attention. Contact our experienced team today for fast and affordable air conditioning services.
AirPros provides AC install in Davie, FL as well as in other parts of Florida, Georgia, Texas, Colorado, and Washington.